Research Article

Association between Adipose Tissue Interleukin-33 and Immunometabolic Markers in Individuals with Varying Degrees of Glycemia

Figure 9

Association between adipose tissue IL-33 and PRDM16 in individuals with varying degrees of glycemia. (a) IL-33 was directly correlated with PRDM16 in individuals with normoglycemia () and T2D () but not in those with prediabetes (). (b) Higher levels of IL-33 were associated with significantly higher PRDM16 in individuals with normoglycemia and T2D but not in those with prediabetes. IL-33: interleukin-33; PRDM16: PR domain containing 16; NL: normoglycemia; T2D: type 2 diabetes; Meds: glucose-lowering medications.