Research Article

Associations of IDUA and PTCH1 with Bone Mineral Density, Bone Turnover Markers, and Fractures in Chinese Elderly Patients with Osteoporosis

Table 5

Associations of SNPs genotyped with BTMs and BMDs in participants with OP.


β-CTX (ng/ml)0.440.1770.914
PINP (ng/ml)0.28547.100+ 25.7380.3920.44
BMD-L2-4 (g/cm2)0.4480.0040.837
BMD-FN (g/cm2)0.8930.5490.724
BMD-WT (g/cm2)0.7580.2560.413
BMD-FT (g/cm2)0.7860.0530.653
BMD-TH (g/cm2)0.7110.027#0.915

β-CTX: procollagen type I carboxy terminal peptide beta special sequence; PINP: procollagen I N-terminal propeptide; BMD: bone mineral density; L2-4: L2-4 vertebra; FN: femoral neck; WT: Ward’s triangle; FT: femoral trochanter; TH: total hip. All values were adjusted for age and BMI by ANCOVA. GG vs. GA , GG vs. AA , and GA vs. AA by post hoc Bonferroni test. #GG vs. GA , GG vs. AA , and GA vs. AA by post hoc Bonferroni test.