Research Article

Cytokines and Chemokines Are Detectable in Swivel-Derived Exhaled Breath Condensate (SEBC): A Pilot Study in Mechanically Ventilated Patients

Table 1

Patient characteristics of 13 mechanically ventilated patients.

Male (, %)7 (54)
Age69 (37-77)
Reason for admission, (%)
 (i) Complications of previous abdominal or vascular surgery4 (30%)
 (ii) Cardiac failure2 (15%)
 (iii) Pneumonia (without severe sepsis or shock)2 (15%)
 (iv) Severe sepsis/septic shock2 (15%)
 (v) Other3 (23%)
APACHE II score25 (14-39)
Peak airway pressure (cmH2O)18 (10-36)
Plateau airway pressure (cmH2O)12.5 (6-24)
Positive end-expiratory pressure (cmH2O)8 (5-18)
Tidal volume (mL/kg predicted body weight)7.2 (5.1-11.0)
Fraction of inspired oxygen (%)35 (25-70)
PaO2/FiO2 ratio (mmHg)252 (95-364)
Respiratory system compliance (mL/cmH2O)48 (8-208)

Data are presented as the median and range unless stated otherwise.