Research Article

A Circulating Long Noncoding RNA Panel Serves as a Diagnostic Marker for Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Table 6

Performance of AFP, HULC, MALAT1, Linc00152, PTENP1, PTTG3P, SPRY4-IT1, UBE2CP3, and UCA1 in HC and patients with HCC, CHB, and LC.

MethodHCC vs. HCHCC vs. others#
AUC (95% CI)SEN (%)SPE (%)AUC (95% CI)SEN (%)SPE (%)

AFP0.862 (0.815-0.909)65.997.80.811 (0.761-0.861)65.185.8
HULC0.796 (0.734-0.858) (0.702-0.810)86.055.6
MALAT10.768 (0.706-0.830)59.780.60.733 (0.676-0.790)59.775.7
Linc001520.895 (0.854-0.936)78.389.20.877 (0.835-0.918)81.482.8
PTENP10.602 (0.526-0.678) (0.465-0.596)89.123.1
PTTG3P0.785 (0.723-0.847)82.961.30.768 (0.715-0.820)82.957.4
SPRY4-IT10.808 (0.750-0.866)76.771.00.768 (0.715-0.821)76.767.5
UBE2CP30.812 (0.754-0.870)88.462.40.756 (0.702-0.810)78.360.4
UCA10.858 (0.810-0.907)81.475.30.809 (0.761-0.857)67.480.5

#Others include HC, CHB patients, and LC patients. HCC: hepatocellular carcinoma; HC: healthy control; CHB: chronic hepatitis B; LC: liver cirrhosis; AFP: alpha fetoprotein; AUC: area under curve; CI: confidence interval; SEN: sensitivity; SPE: specificity.