Research Article

Diagnostic Accuracy of Holotranscobalamin, Vitamin B12, Methylmalonic Acid, and Homocysteine in Detecting B12 Deficiency in a Large, Mixed Patient Population

Table 2

Marker cutoffs for detecting subclinical B12 deficiency (4cB12≤ -0.5 and >-1.5) with a sensitivity or specificity of 99% at a given specificity and sensitivity, as well as the optimum decision point.

MarkerCutoff 99% sensitivityCorresponding specificity (%)Cutoff 99% specificityCorresponding sensitivity (%)Optimum decision pointCorresponding sensitivity/specificity (%)

HoloTC (pmol/L)<7344.1<2527.5<4585.7/81.2
B12 (pmol/L)<35136.7<14228.2<22986.1/77.7
MMA (nmol/L)>15237.8>48029.3>24581.8/83.4
Hcy (μmol/L)>812.6>2911.5>1567.7/76.7