Research Article

Decreased Peripheral Blood ALKBH5 Correlates with Markers of Autoimmune Response in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Figure 7

Interrelations between peripheral blood METTL3, WTAP, ALKBH5, FTO, and YTHDF2 in SLE patients. (a) The level of peripheral blood METTL3 positively correlated with WTAP. (b) The level of peripheral blood METTL3 positively correlated with ALKBH5. (c) The level of peripheral blood METTL3 positively correlated with FTO. (d) The level of peripheral blood METTL3 positively correlated with YTHDF2. (e) The level of peripheral blood WTAP positively correlated with FTO. (f) The level of peripheral blood YTHDF2 positively correlated with ALKBH5. (g) The level of peripheral blood YTHDF2 positively correlated with FTO.