Research Article

Serum Clusterin: A Potential Marker for Assessing the Clinical Severity and Short-Term Prognosis of Hepatitis B Virus-Related Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure

Table 1

Clinical baseline characteristics of study subjects.

CharacteristicsNormal controls ()HBV-non-ACLF ()HBV-ACLF () value

Age (years)0.157
Male, (%)35 (79.5%)52 (82.53%)85 (78.70%)0.236
Alanine aminotransferase (U/L)19.20 (15.00, 32.70)451.60 (55.00, 1768.70)502.15 (297.0, 1863.2)<0.001
Aspartate aminotransferase (U/L)18.70 (11.70, 35.10)434.80 (76.20, 1714.90)452.40 (334.0, 1520.7)<0.001
Total bilirubin (μmol/L)12.25 (3.70, 15.50)▲▲<0.001
Albumin (g/L)47.20 (29.40, 53.40)<0.001
Prothrombin activity (%)79.00 (75, 118.00)77.90 (29.30, 124.00)35.00 (13.00, 39.50)▲▲<0.001
International normalized ratio1.02 (0.89, 1.29)1.16 (0.87, 2.07)2.01 (1.49, 5.32)▲▲<0.001
White blood cell count (×109/L)0.016
Neutrophil count (×109/L)2.71 (2.25, 10.67)3.4 (0.86, 21.29)5.81 (0.81, 72.31)<0.001
Lymphocyte count (×109/L)1.82 (1.07, 3.31)<0.001
NLR1.85 (0.83, 7.46)▲▲<0.001
Platelet count (×109/L)0.031
Serum creatinine (mg/dL)57.00 (42.00, 84.00)68.00 (28.00, 108.00)62.80 (33.00, 197.40)0.152
Clusterin (μg/mL)213.45 (144.57, 313.48)188.56 (70.22, 325.36)51.09 (12.17, 188.62)▲▲▲<0.001
Underlying disease
Chronic hepatitis, (%)44 (69.84%)72 (66.67%)0.209
Liver cirrhosis, (%)19 (30.16%)36 (33.33%)0.161
Hepatitis B e antigen (+), (%)58 (92.06%)103 (95.37%)0.230
HBV DNA (log10 IU·mL-1)0.365
MELD score27.74 ± 10.21▲▲0.003
Precipitating events
Spontaneous clearance of HBV61 (96.83%)103 (95.37%)0.131
NUC cessation2 (3.18%)5 (4.63%)0.205
NUC resistance0 (0.0)0 (0.0)
Hormone or immunosuppressive drugs0 (0.0)0 (0.0)
Ascites, (%)19 (30.15%)35 (32.41%)0.064
Hepatic encephalopathy, (%)5 (7.93%)29 (26.85%)▲▲0.003
Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, (%)15 (23.81%)31 (28.70%)0.190
Hyponatremia, (%)15 (23.51%)33 (30.56%)0.325
Gastrointestinal bleeding, (%)0 (0.0)0 (0.0)
Hepatorenal syndrome, (%)2 (3.17%)9 (8.33%)0.021

Data are presented as (%), , or median (minimum, maximum). Bold values are significant at . HBV-non-ACLF vs. normal controls: , , and . HBV-ACLF vs. HBV-non-ACLF: , ▲▲, and ▲▲▲. Abbreviations: HBV-ACLF: hepatitis B virus-related acute-on-chronic liver failure; NLR: neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio; NUC: nucleos(t)ide analog.