Research Article

Impacts of Respiratory Muscle Training on Respiratory Functions, Maximal Exercise Capacity, Functional Performance, and Quality of Life in School-Aged Children with Postoperative Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia

Table 1

Demographic data of the study children.

VariablesStudy group ()Control group () value

Age (years)0.215
Gender, boys/girls (n)11/913/70.518
Height (cm)0.347
Weight (kg)0.573
BMI (kg/m2)0.799
Duration of hospitalization (days)0.271
Medications, (%)
 Low/moderate dose of inhaled corticosteroid5 (25)8 (40)0.311
 Long-acting β2-agonist + low/moderate dose of inhaled corticosteroid15 (75)12 (60)

Significant level at . BMI: body mass index.