Research Article

Systematic Investigation of mRNA N6-Methyladenosine Machinery in Primary Prostate Cancer

Figure 8

m6A-dependent function of HNRNPA2B1 in prostate cancer. (a) Representative biological processes and (b) pathways in which the m6A-dependent HNRNPA2B1 induced alternative splicing isoforms that participated in. The term size indicates the number of the m6A- and HNRNPA2B1-affected genes involved in a biological term. Edges connect overlapping terms and are scaled in thickness according to the number of shared genes. (c) Effects of siRNA transfection targeting either HNRNPA2B1 (siHNRNPA2B1) or both HNRNPA2B1 and ALKBH5 (siHNRNPA2B1/siALKBH5) on mRNA levels of ALKBH5 and HNRNPA2B1 in human C4-2B prostate cancer cells. (d) Effects of HNRNPA2B1 and HNRNPA2B1/ALKBH5 knockdown on the growth curves of C4-2B cells. In each time point, control (grey blocks), HNRNPA2B1-knockdown (light blue blocks), and HNRNPA2B1/ALKBH5-knockdown (dark blue blocks) cells significantly differing in the viable cell number from each other are shown underneath the growth curves ( value < 0.05). Rows from the first to the last display comparisons of HNRNPA2B1-knockdown cells versus control, HNRNPA2B1/ALKBH5-knockdown cells versus control, and HNRNPA2B1/ALKBH5-knockdown cells versus HNRNPA2B1-knockdown ones, respectively. (e) Knockdown of HNRNPA2B1 and HNRNPA2B1/ALKBH5 altered the migration ability of C4-2B cells. Left panel: representative micrographs of Transwell assays; right panel: pairwise comparisons of the migrated cell numbers between control, HNRNPA2B1-knockdown, and HNRNPA2B1/ALKBH5-knockdown cells. denotes value < 0.05, denotes value < 0.01, and denotes value < 0.0001.