Research Article

In Search of TGCT Biomarkers: A Comprehensive In Silico and Histopathological Analysis

Figure 6

Gene expression on the protein level, by IHC. Expression of genes on a protein level was analyzed by IHC (DAB, hematoxylin, 200x). The level of expression varied from absolute absence to strong IHC signal, depending on the gene analyzed and TGCT component, of which some examples are given in this figure: (a) OCT4 in GCNIS, (b) OCT4 in SE, (c) HOXA9 in SE, (d) HOXA9 in TE, (e) SOX2 in EC, (f) RASSF1A in GCNIS, (g) C-KIT in GCNIS, (h) C-KIT in SE, (i) NANOG in EC, (j) SALL4 in YSC, (k) SOX17 in SE, (l) negative SOX17 in EC, (m) PRSS21 in CH, (n) SALL4 in EC, (o) MAGEC2 in GCNIS, and (p) MAGEC2 in SE.