Research Article

Evidence of the Prognostic Value of Pretreatment Systemic Inflammation Response Index in Cancer Patients: A Pooled Analysis of 19 Cohort Studies

Table 1

Main characteristics of the nineteen cohort studies enrolled in this work.

Study informationYearCountryCancer typeTotal number of cases (M/F)Age distributionPrimary treatmentCutoff valueCutoff selectionStageEnd pointAnalytic methodFollow-up intervalNOS

Zheng Y-training cohort [11]2019ChinaUTUC259 (185/74)Mean: 67.5 yearsWith surgery1.36ROC analysisNonmetastaticOS, CSS, MFSMultivariateMedian 33.3 (IQR:15.5-64.2) months8
Zheng Y-validation cohort [11]2019ChinaUTUC274 (184/90)Mean: 65.9 yearsWith surgery1.36ROC analysisNonmetastaticOS, CSS, MFSMultivariateMedian 44.9 (IQR:26.93-65.8) months8
Li [21]2019ChinaNSCLC390 (243/147)224: ≤65 years; 166: >65 yearsWith surgery0.99ROC analysisNonmetastaticOS, DFSMultivariateMedian 50 (range 12-66) months8
Chen [22]2019ChinaAEG302 (244/58)Median: 63 yearsWith surgery0.68ROC analysisNonmetastaticOSMultivariateMedian 55 (range 4-98) months8
Pacheco-Barcia [23]2019SpainPC164 (92/72)Median: 66 yearsNo surgery2.3ROC analysisMetastaticOS, PFSMultivariateLess than 60 months7
Li S-training cohort [24]2019ChinaPC371 (224/147)Median: 62 yearsWith surgery0.69ROC analysisNonmetastaticOS, RFSMultivariateAbove 60 months8
Li S-validation cohort [24]2019ChinaPC310 (164/146)Median: 60 yearsWith surgery0.69ROC analysisNonmetastaticOS, RFSMultivariateLess than 60 months7
Chen Z-primary cohort [10]2019ChinaccRCC414 (257/157)Median: 56.3 yearsWith surgery1.35X-tile softwareMixedOS, CSSMultivariateMedian 69.2 months, 1 to 151 months8
Chen Z-validation cohort [10]2019ChinaccRCC168 (101/67)65: >60 years; 103: ≤60 yearsWith surgery1.35X-tile softwareMixedOS, CSSK-MAbove 60 months8
Chen Y-primary cohort [17]2018ChinaNPC285 (210/75)106: <50 years; 179: ≥50 yearsNo surgery0.84X-tile softwareMixedOSMultivariateAbove 60 months8
Chen Y-validation cohort [17]2018ChinaNPC213 (157/56)86: <50 years; 127: ≥50 yearsNo surgery0.84X-tile softwareMixedOSMultivariateAbove 60 months8
Geng Y-primary cohort [18]2018ChinaESCC542 (416/126)Mean: 54 yearsWith surgery1.2ROC analysisNonmetastaticOSMultivariateAbove 60 months8
Geng Y-validation cohort [18]2018ChinaESCC374 (280/94)Mean: 51 yearsWithsurgery1.2ROC analysisNonmetastaticOSMultivariateAbove 60 months8
Li S-primary cohort [20]2017ChinaGC455 (321/134)Mean: 57.6 yearsWith-surgery0.82ROC analysisNon-metastaticDSS, DFSMultivariateMedian 77.53 months (range 3.03-111.73)8
Li S-validation cohort [20]2017ChinaGC327 (235/92)Mean: 57.6 yearsWith surgery0.82ROC analysisNonmetastaticDSS, DFSMultivariateMedian 56.33 months (range 4.9-76.3)8
Xu LT [19]2017ChinaHCC183 (155/28)Mean: 53.7 yearsNo surgery1.05ROC analysisMixedOSMultivariateAbove 60 months9
Qi Q-training set [5]2016ChinaPC177 (108/69)Mean: 58.8 yearsNo surgery1.8ROC analysisMixedOS, TTPMultivariateLess than 60 months8
Qi Q-validation set 1 [5]2016ChinaPC321 (208/113)Mean: 61.0 yearsNo surgery1.8ROC analysisMixedOS, TTPMultivariateLess than 60 months7
Qi Q-validation set 2 [5]2016ChinaPC76 (46/30)Mean: 60.9 yearsNo surgery1.8ROC analysisMixedOS, TTPMultivariateLess than 60 months7

UTUC: upper tract urothelial carcinoma; NSCLC: nonsmall-cell lung cancer; AEG: adenocarcinoma of the oesophagogastric junction; PC: pancreatic cancer; ccRCC: clear cell renal cell carcinoma; NPC: nasopharyngeal carcinoma; ESCC: esophageal squamous cell carcinoma; GC: gastric cancer; HCC: hepatocellular carcinoma; OS: overall survival; CSS: cancer-specific survival; RFS: recurrence-free survival; TTP: time to progression; DFS: disease-free survival; DSS: disease-specific survival; MFS: metastatic-free survival; PFS: progression-free survival; M/F: male/female; ROC: the receiver operating characteristic curve; IQR: interquartile range.