Research Article

A Cell Cycle Progression-Derived Gene Signature to Predict Prognosis and Therapeutic Response in Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Figure 6

CCP-derived prognostic gene signature is in relation to TME and carcinogenic pathway of HCC in TCGA-LIHC cohort. (a) Comparison of immune score, stromal score, and tumor purity in high- and low-risk HCC patients with ESTIMATE algorithm. (b) Comparison of the infiltration levels of tumor-infiltrating immune cells in high- and low-risk HCC patients via ssGSEA method. ; ; . (c) Heat map visualizing the mRNA expression of HLA genes in each HCC specimen and their relationships to CCP-derived RS. (d) Heat map showing the mRNA expression of immune checkpoints in each HCC sample as well as their relationships to CCP-derived RS. (e) Association between CCP-derived RS and known biological pathways.