Research Article

The Key Genes Underlying Pathophysiology Association between Plaque Instability and Progression of Myocardial Infarction

Figure 1

Identification of DEGs in GSE114695 and enrichment analysis. (a–c) Volcano plot and heat map of 1 d (a), 1 w (b), and 8 w (c) after MI in GSE114695. (d) Venn diagram of upregulated and downregulated DEGs at 1 d and 1 w after MI. (e) Venn diagram of upregulated and downregulated DEGs at 1 w and 8 w after MI. (f) Enrichment analysis of DEGs which were both upregulated at 1 d and 1 w after MI. (g) Enrichment analysis of DEGs which were both downregulated at 1 d and 1 w after MI. (h) Enrichment analysis of DEGs which were downregulated at 1 d but upregulated at 1 w. (i) Enrichment analysis of DEGs which were upregulated at 1 d but downregulated at 1 w.