Research Article

Altered Small-World Functional Network Topology in Patients with Optic Neuritis: A Resting-State fMRI Study

Table 2

Brain functional connectivity between ON patients and HCs identified by NBS analysis.

Connectivity value

ROL.L to DCG.L6.026<0.05
ROL.L to DCG.R5.747<0.05
ROL.R to DCG.L5.239<0.05
ROL.R to AMYG.R5.212<0.05
SFG med.R to CRBL_Crus6_L5.205<0.05
INS.L to DCG.L6.066<0.05
INS.L to DCG.R5.169<0.05
INS.L to AMYG.L5.284<0.05
INS.L to SPG.L5.129<0.05
INS.R to DCG.L5.454<0.05
INS.R to IPL.R5.365<0.05
INS.R to ANG.L5.071<0.05
INS.R to ANG.R5.220<0.05
INS.R to STG.L5.085<0.05
SMG.L to PAL.R5.444<0.05
SMG.R to CRBL_6_L5.257<0.05

Notes: NBS: , and 5,000 permutations, indicates a significant difference between the groups. Abbreviation: ON: optic neuritis; HCs: healthy controls; ROL: rolandic operculum; SFGmed: superior frontal gyrus, medial; INS: insula; DCG: median cingulate and paracingulate gyri; AMYG: amygdala; SPG: superior parietal gyrus; IPL: inferior parietal gyrus, but supramarginal and angular gyri; SMG: supramarginal gyrus; ANG: angular gyrus; PAL: lenticular nucleus, pallidum; STG: superior temporal gyrus; CRBLCrus1: cerebellum_Crus1; CRBL 6: cerebellum_Crus6; L: left hemisphere; R: right hemisphere.