Research Article

Reproduction of the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and Asian Cancer Research Group (ACRG) Gastric Cancer Molecular Classifications and Their Association with Clinicopathological Characteristics and Overall Survival in Moroccan Patients

Table 5

Multivariate analysis of the prognostic factors for patients with gastric can.

VariableHazard ratio95% CI value

TCGA classification (EBV vs. MSI, GS, and CIN)7.041.52–32.580.013
History of gastric ulcer (presence vs. absence)4.451.13–17.450.032

GC: gastric cancer; TCGA: The Cancer Genome Atlas research; MSI: microsatellite instability; CIN: chromosomal instability; EBV: Epstein-Barr virus; GS: genome stable; CI: confidence interval.