Research Article

Comprehensive Analysis of DNA Methylation and Transcriptome to Identify PD-1-Negative Prognostic Methylated Signature in Endometrial Carcinoma

Figure 2

Screening and functional enrichment analysis of differential methylation genes. (a) Volcano map of differentially methylated genes in TSS1500, TSS200, and gene body regions. (b) Histogram of hypermethylation and demethylation genes in TSS1500, TSS200, and gene body regions. (c) Overlap analysis of hypermethylation genes in TSS1500, TSS200, and gene body regions. (d) Venn diagram of demethylated genes in TSS1500, TSS200, and gene body regions. (e) Differential methylation genes KEGG and GO enrichment bubble maps, in which the color from blue to red represented FDR from large to small, and dot size represented enrichment to the number of genes; the larger the dot, the more genes were enriched.