Research Article

YTHDF2 Regulates Macrophage Polarization through NF-κB and MAPK Signaling Pathway Inhibition or p53 Degradation

Figure 4

Role of YTHDF2 silencing in inflammatory cytokines and p53 mRNA stability in M1/M2 macrophages. M0 macrophages were subject to 24-h transfection using YTHDF2 siRNA (si YTHDF2) or si-NC before M1 (a) or M2 (b) stimulation. Actinomycin D (5 μg/mL) was then applied for inhibiting mRNA transcription for a 0-, 2-, and 4-h period. mRNA levels of IL-6, IL-10, TNF-α, TGF-β, and P53 were determined through qRT-PCR, with GAPDH being the endogenous reference. Results are indicated by (). ; . The red and blue lines stand for M1 and M2-stimulated cells, respectively.