Research Article

The Prognostic Role of Metabolic and Endocrine Parameters for the Clinical Severity of COVID-19

Table 3

Comparison of parameters between ICU-admitted and non-ICU-admitted patients.

VariableNon-ICUICU value

Age (years)0.83
Duration of hospitalization (days)0.01
WBC6500 (5000-8700)8000 (6675-11825)0.02
ESR (mm/h)0.09
CRP (mg/lit)28 (11.75-119.0)45 (25-96.65)0.63
LDH (U/l)530 (335.75-718.75)586 (418.5-1123.8)0.28
BS (mg/dl)0.81
Cholesterol (mg/dl)0.48
LDL (mg/dl)0.25
TG (mg/dl)0.98
HDL (mg/dl)0.76
ALT (IU/l)22.5 (11.5-42.0)34 (16-94)0.10
AST (IU/l)37.5 (23.5-54.5)39 (25-87.5)0.26
Ca (mg/dl)0.85
P (mg/dl)0.01
Albumin (gr/dl)0.58
Mg (mg/dl)0.95
Cr (mg/dl)0.47
Na (mEq/l)0.96
K (mmol/l)0.95
T3 (ng/dl)0.11
Free T4 (ng/dl)0.48
TSH (mIU/l)1.12 (0.56-1.99)0.84 (0.36-2.55)0.52
Cortisol (μg/dl)36.54 (11.6-45.3)42.9 (13.1-67.2)0.12
Vitamin D (ng/ml)8.7 (8.0-32.5)19.3 (8.8-33.3)0.42
Diabetes (%)7 (30.4)10 (29.4)0.934
Smoking (%)5 (21.7)3 (8.8)0.247
CVD (%)3 (13.0)3 (8.8)0.677
Hypertension (%)2 (8.7)10 (29.4)0.097
Readmission (%)1 (4.5)9 (26.5)0.036
Mortality (%)0 (0)24 (70.6)<0.0001

IQR: interquartile range; WBC: white blood cell; ESR: erythrocyte sedimentation rate; CRP: C-reactive protein; LDH: lactate dehydrogenase; BS: blood sugar; TG: triglyceride; LDL: low-density lipoprotein; HDL: high-density lipoprotein; ALT: alanine aminotransferase; AST: aspartate aminotransferase; Ca: calcium; Mg: magnesium; Cr: creatinine; Na: natrium; K: kalium; T3: tri-iodotironina; TSH: thyroid-stimulating hormone; CVD: cardiovascular diseases; P: phosphate. value of nonparametric Mann–Whitney test. value of nonparametric -square test. value of the Fisher exact test.