Research Article

[Retracted] Short- and Long-Term Influences of Benzodiazepine and Z-Drug Use in Patients with Bipolar Disorder Combined Sleep Disturbance during Affective Period: A Nine-Month Follow-Up Analysis

Table 1

Demographic and clinical characters of patients at baseline.

BZD/Z-drug groupNo BZD/Z-drug group

Sample size33 (54.1%)28 (45.9%)//
Gender (male)19 (67.9%)17 (51.5%)0.0620.506
Age (median, interquartile range)32 (21.5-45.5)31 (24-38.5)-0.0430.965
Occupational status (employed/temporarily employed/unemployed)15 (45.5%)/2 (6.1%)/16 (48.5%)11 (39.3%)/1 (3.6%)/16 (57.1%)0.5430.762
Years of schooling (median, interquartile range)12 (9-15)12 (9-15)-0.4150.678
Residence (solitary/cohabiting)1 (3.6%)/27 (96.4%)0 (0.0%)/33 (100.0%)1.1980.459
Number of (hypo)manic episodes (%)15 (68.2%)7 (31.8%)2.7480.116
Number of depressive episodes (%)16 (50.0%)16 (50.0%)0.4550.609
Number of mixed episodes (%)2 (28.6%)5 (71.4%)2.0750.231
Episode duration (days) (interquartile range)71.5 (48.5-127.5)120 (60-170)-1.6550.098
Having family history of mental illness1 (3.57%)1 (3.03%)0.0140.711
Having history of somatic diseases2 (7.14%)3 (9.09%)0.4360.421
Combined anxiety disorder (%)1 (3.57%)1 (3.03%)0.0140.711
Combined substance abuse (%)1 (3.57%)2 (6.06%)0.2010.562
Combined eating disorder (%)1 (3.57%)1 (3.03%)0.0140.711
Previously diagnosed with PTSD (%)01 (3.03%)2.4370.207
Previously diagnosed with periodic psychosis (%)1 (3.57%)00.8630.541
Previously diagnosed with dissociative disorder (%)01 (3.03%)1.1980.459
MDQ score-0.8260.412
QIDS score-0.0980.922
QIDS’ score-0.0180.986

PTSD: posttraumatic stress disorder; MDQ: Mental Disorders Questionnaire; QIDS: Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptoms; QIDS’: Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptoms, from questions 5 to question 16.