Research Article

[Retracted] Efficacy Investigation of TACE Combined with Lenvatinib and Sintilimab in Intermediate-Stage Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Table 1

Baseline characteristics of the two groups.

Observation groupControl group

Gender (male/female)21/1019/120.791
Age ()0.721
Weight ()0.188
Tumor number (one/more)20/1124/70.402
Tumor diameter (<5 cm/>5 cm)9/2312/190.430
History of hepatitis B (yes/none)28/327/40.688
AFP (negative/positive)5/284/270.612
Child-Pugh score (A/B)18/1320/110.795
Score of ECOG (0)31311.000

AFP: alpha-1-fetoproteine; ECOG: Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group. Note: the number of tumors is the number of tumors that can be measured. Tumor diameter is the sum of all target lesion diameters measured for each case based on measurements provided by mRECIST.