Research Article

HSPA1A, HSPA2, and HSPA8 Are Potential Molecular Biomarkers for Prognosis among HSP70 Family in Alzheimer’s Disease

Figure 2

Screening and identification of hub genes by computational analysis. (a) Immune-related HSP70 family genes between the HSP70 family members and immune molecules in the ImmPort database were screened by Venn diagrams. The HSP70 family and the ImmPort database contain 17 and 1793 molecules, respectively, of which 8 are common between both groups. (b) The expression levels of seven immune-related HSP70 family members in GSE5281, except HSPA1B. The blue box indicates the control group, and the orange box indicates the AD group. Data were analyzed by Student’s -test and expressed as the (AD: 84, control: 74). () represents significance compared to the control group.