Clinical Study

Efficacy and Tolerability of Fitostimoline in Two Different Forms (Soaked Gauzes and Cream) and Citrizan Gel in the Topical Treatment of Second-Degree Superficial Cutaneous Burns

Table 3

Reepithelialisation at Day 10 (efficacy population).

Fitostimoline  soaked  gauzesFitostimoline  creamCatalase  gelFitostimoline pooled

Range (%) (%) (%) (%)

>0% to 25%3 (4.0)4 (5.6)5 (7.0)7 (4.8)
>25% to 50%11 (14.7)6 (8.5)13 (18.3)17 (11.6)
>50% to 75%10 (13.3)15 (21.1)6 (8.5)25 (17.1)
>75% to 95%9 (12.0)11 (15.5)13 (18.3)20 (13.7)
>95%42 (56.0)35 (49.3)34 (47.9)77 (52.7)

Overall comparison among groups
Fitostimoline gauzes versus cream
Fitostimoline pooled versus catalase gel

Kruskal-Wallis test.
Mann-Whitney test.