Clinical Study

Propranolol in Treatment of Huge and Complicated Infantile Hemangiomas in Egyptian Children

Table 1

Demographic and clinical data of study population variable.

Total number of patients30 (100%)
Preterm22 (73.3%)
Fullterm8 (26.6%)
Age at initiation of treatment (month),
 Mean ± SD
Gender, (%)
 Male9 (30%)
 Female21 (70%)
Type, (%)
 Localized18 (60%)
 Segmental9 (30%)
 Multifocal3 (10%)
Location of IH, (%)
 Facial Segments:
  Frontotemporal (seg.1)3 (10%)
  Maxillary (seg.2)5 (16.6%)
  Mandibular (seg.3)8 (26.6%)
  Frontonasal (seg.4)2 (6.6%)
Other locations:
 Trunk8 (26.6%)
 Extremities3 (10%)
 Neck1 (3.3%)
Duration of treatment till resolution (month),
 Mean (range) (6–14)
Side effects of treatment, (%)
 Tachypnea2 (6.6%)
 Hypoglycemia1 (3.3%)
 Cold extrmities1 (3.3%)
 Constipation2 (6.6%)