Research Article

Cryoglobulinaemia in Egyptian Patients with Extrahepatic Cutaneous Manifestations of Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection

Table 2

Relationship between cryoglobulin-positivity and patients’ characteristics.

CharacteristicCryoglobulin-positive patients ( = 12)Cryoglobulin-negative patients ( = 106) value (Student’s test or )

Age range in years, mean (SD)29–63, 49.1 (7.1)24–59, 47.4 (5.1)0.24
Gender, (%)
 Male ( = 84)9 (75%)75 (70.8%)0.76
 Female ( = 34)3 (25%)31 (29.3%)
Liver function test range, mean (SD)
 AST (IU/L)28–77, 44.9 (10.6)12–168, 65.5 (14.6)0.1
 ALT (IU/L)31–73, 42.9 (16.5)10–177, 63.9 (31.3)0.1
 ALP (IU/L)92–266, 131 (37.1)51–200, 96.3 (5.2)0.1
 Serum albumin (g/dL)3.6–3.9, 4 (0.5)3.5–4.8, 4.1 (0.6)0.7
 Total serum bilirubin (mg/dL)0.47–1.36, 1.1 (0.7)0.5–6.4, 1 (0.9)0.1
 Prothrombin time11–15.6, 13.2 (0.6)11–18, 13.3 (1)0.6

Cutaneous extrahepatic manifestations associated with MC, (%) value 
Odds ratio (95% confidence)

Pruritus ( = 74)2 (16.6%)72 (67.9%)0.0010.09 (0.02–0.5)
Vasculitic lesions of lower limbs ( = 9)4 (33.3%)5 (4.7%)<0.00110.1 (2.3–45.2)
Oral lichen planus ( = 8) 1 (8.3%)7 (6.6%)0.821.29 (0.1–11.4)
Chronic urticaria ( = 4)1 (8.3%)3 (2.8%)0.323.12 (0.3–32.6)
Livedo reticularis ( = 3)3 (25%)0<0.001
Pigmented purpuric dermatosis ( = 1)1 (8.3%)00.003

MC: mixed cryoglobulinemia; significant.