Research Article

Clinico-Epidemiological Profile and Treatment Pattern of Vitiligo in Selected Dermatological Clinics of Mekelle City, Northern Ethiopia

Table 3

Clinical profile of vitiligo in the selected dermatologic clinics in Mekelle city, from the years 2017 to 2019.

VariableFrequency (percent)

Duration of vitiligo
 ≤1 years31 (39.2)
 a>1 years48 (60.8)

Family history of vitiligo
 Yes25 (31.6)
 No54 (68.4)

Degree of family history
 1st degree22 (88)
 2nd degree3 (12)

Clinical form of vitiligo
 Vulgaris31 (39.1)
 Focal21 (26.6)
 Segmental16 (20.3)
 Acrofacial4 (5.1)
 Universal4 (5.1)
 Mucosal3 (3.8)

Precipitating factors
 Emotional disturbance24 (33.8)
 Physical trauma23 (32.4)
 Sunburn18 (25.4)
 Chemicals6 (8.4)

Presence of systemic diseases
 Yes53 (67)
 No26 (33)

Systemic diseases
 Diabetes mellitus10 (18.9)
 Hypertension12 (22.6)
 Asthma15 (28.3)
 Alopecia areata9 (17)
 Thyroid disease7 (13.2)