Clinical Study

Combination Therapy with 1% Nanocurcumin Gel and 0.1% Triamcinolone Acetonide Mouth Rinse for Oral Lichen Planus: A Randomized Double-Blind Placebo Controlled Clinical Trial

Table 1

The distribution of patients according to the location of lesion in two groups.

Site of involvementNanocurcumin n (%)Placebo n (%)Total n (%)

Buccal mucosa (right)12 (86)12 (71)24 (77)
Buccal mucosa (center)12 (86)11 (65)23 (74)
Maxillary gingiva12 (86)11 (65)23 (74)
Mandibular gingiva12 (86)10 (59)22 (71)
Lip (upper)2 (14)2 (12)4 (13)
Lip (lower)2 (14)2 (12)4 (13)
Floor of the mouth2 (14)0 (0)2 (6)
Hard palate mucosa5 (36)6 (35)11 (35)
Tongue (ventral)4 (29)3 (18)7 (23)
Tongue (dorsal)6 (43)6 (35)12 (39)

Values are reported as number (percent).