Review Article

Probiotics in the Management of Atopic Dermatitis for Children: A Case-Based Review

Table 1

Search strategy undertaken.

DatabaseSearch strategyHits

CochraneEczema OR dermatitis in title abstract keyword AND therap OR treatment in title abstract keyword AND probiotic in title abstract249
PubMed(((((Eczema (MeSH terms)) OR eczema (title/abstract)) OR dermatitis (title/abstract))) AND ((probiotic (MeSH terms)) OR probiotic (title/abstract))) AND (((treatment (title/abstract)) OR therap(title/abstract)) OR therapeutics (MeSH terms)331
EBSCO(Eczema OR dermatitis) AND (probiotic) AND (therap OR management OR treat) NOT prevention NOT risk236
ProQuest(ti(eczema OR dermatitis OR atop) OR ab(eczema OR dermatitis OR atop)) AND (ti(probiotic) OR ab(probiotic)) AND (ti(treatment OR therap) OR ab(treatment OR therap)) NOT (ti(prevention) OR ab(prevention))202
NOT (asthma AND animals AND food hypersensitivity AND mice AND food allergies AND obesity AND pregnancy AND diarrhoea AND animal models AND feces AND gastrointestinal diseases AND biomarkers AND immunotherapy AND vitamin d AND adult AND anaphylaxis AND cow's milk)
NOT (news AND report AND general information AND commentary AND case study AND correspondence AND instructional material/guideline AND company profile AND editorial AND literature review)
ScopusTITLE-ABS-KEY (eczema OR atop OR dermatitis) AND (probiotic) AND (treatment OR therap) AND NOT (prevention) AND NOT (asthma OR ibs)517