Research Article

Gene Expression of CD70 and CD27 Is Increased in Alopecia Areata Lesions and Associated with Disease Severity and Activity

Table 3

Relation between CD70 and CD27 gene expression in AA lesions and signs of AA activity (positive hair pull test and dermoscopic features) (n = 40).

NCD 70 in AA lesionTest of sig.pCD27 in AA lesionTest of sig.P
Mean ± SDMedianIQR (25th–75th)Mean ± SDMedianIQR (25th–75th)

Black dots
Absent100.69 ± 0.590.571.01 (0.18–1.07)U = 48.0 0.001 0.45 ± 0.410.210.78 (0.12–0.85)U = 24.0<0.001
Present302.98 ± 2.901.893.56 (1.04–4.59)4.10 ± 3.792.06.22 (1.25–7.46)
Broken hair
Absent241.65 ± 2.861.041.28 (0.21–1.44)U = 68.0 <0.001 1.71 ± 2.561.011.71 (0.37–1.91)U = 68.0 <0.001
Present163.55 ± 2.073.654.02 (1.58–5.11)5.40 ± 3.984.947.57 (1.93–8.62)
Tapering hair
Absent140.81 ± 0.640.950.93 (0.21–1.07)U = 69.0 0.001 0.60 ± 0.450.630.91 (0.12–1.03)U = 36.0 <0.001
Present263.27 ± (1.09–4.59)4.58 ± 3.852.536.33 (1.82–7.46)
Positive hair pull test
Absent180.82 ± 0.650.951.13 (0.20–1.33)U = 55.0 <0.001 0.58 ± 0.450.630.89 (0.12–0.99)U = 0.0 <0.001
Present223.71 ± 3.062.894.51 (1.11–5.62)5.32 ± 3.744.507.71 (2.0–9.71)

SD: standard deviation; IQR: interquartile range. U : Mann–Whitney test. Significant at p value less than 0.05. AA: alopecia areata; CD: cluster differentiation.