Research Article

A Survey of Brazilian Patients with Oral Lichen Planus Showing No Evidence of Malignancy

Table 1

Clinical profile and risk habits (smoking and alcohol consumption) in patients with oral lichen planus (OLP) and oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC).

OLP (n = 370)OSCC (n = 154)
Male (%)Female (%)Total (%)Male (%)Female (%)Total (%)

Number93 (25.1)277 (74.8)370 (100)109 (70.8)45 (29.2)154 (100)
Mean age (range) (years)53.2 (36–74)54.1 (25–95)54.8 (25–95)58.5 (30–97)66.1 (39–91)60. 4 (30–97)

 White67 (72.0)212 (76.4)279 (75.4)74 (67.9)33 (73.3)107 (69.5)
 Non-White26 (28.0)65 (23.5)91 (24.6)35 (32.1)12 (26.6)47 (30.5)

History of disease
 Hypertension22 (23.6)79 (28.5)101 (27.3)28 (25.6)13 (28.8)41 (26.6)
 Diabetes20 (21.5)48 (17.3)68 (18.3)16 (14.6)6 (13.3)22 (14.2)
 Hypothyroidism1 (1.0)32 (11.5)33 (8.9)4 (8.8)4 (2.5)
 Hepatitis B6 (6.4)9 (3.2)15 (4.0)4 (3.6)1 (2.2)5 (3.2)
 Hepatitis C2 (2.1)5 (1.8)7 (1.8)1 (0.9)2 (4.4)2 (1.9)
 Anemia history3 (3.2)36 (13.0)39 (10.5)6 (5.5)5 (11.1)11 (7.1)
 Allergy5 (5.3)41 (14.8)46 (12.4)7 (6.4)6 (13.3)13 (8.4)
 Autoimmune disease5 (1.8)5 (1.3)2 (4.4)2 (1.2)
 Use of immunosuppressor medication3 (1.0)3 (0.8)2 (4.4)2 (1.2)

 No habits58 (62.3)206 (74.4)264 (71.3)33 (30.3)28 (62.2)61 (39.6)
 Either smoking or drinking35 (37.6)71 (25.6)106 (28.6)76 (69.7)17 (37.7)93 (60.4)
 Smokers13 (14.0)30 (10.8)43 (11.6)34 (31.2)12 (26.6)46 (29.9)
 Drinkers15 (16.1)35 (12.6)50 (13.5)5 (4.6)5 (3.2)
 Smoker and drinker7 (7.5)6 (2.1)13 (3.5)37 (33.9)5 (11.1)42 (27.3)

Significant value = 0.001. Significant value = 0.0001. Nonsignificant value = 0.12.