Research Article

Personality Profiles Identify Depressive Symptoms over Ten Years? A Population-Based Study

Table 1

Frequency distribution of TCI profiles.

1997 (women/men) 2001 (women/men) 2007, BDI_M (women/men) 2007, BDI-II (women/men)

NHR—sensitive210 (186/24)166 (152/14)158 (147/11)158 (147/11)
NHr—explosive177 (92/85)112 (64/48)107 (59/48)107 (59/48)
NhR—passionate310 (226/84)245 (186/59)231 (172/59)231 (172/59)
Nhr—adventurous249 (100/149)166 (73/93)149 (74/75)149 (74/75)
nHR—cautious240 (197/43)193 (159/34)200 (172/28)200 (172/28)
nHr—methodical316 (155/161)258 (128/130)241 (121/120)239 (121/118)
nhR—reliable180 (108/72)139 (88/51)144 (93/51)144 (93/51)
nhr—independent220 (74/146)163 (56/107)174 (62/112)174 (62/112)
SCT—creative336 (251/85)268 (211/57)254 (202/52)253 (202/51)
SCt—organized344 (192/152)255 (149/106)265 (157/108)265 (157/108)
ScT—fanatical87 (52/35)75 (48/27)61 (40/21)61 (40/21)
Sct—autocratic189 (72/117)137 (52/85)134 (55/79)134 (55/79)
sCT—moody181 (147/34)141 (122/19)147 (122/25)147 (122/25)
sCt—dependent94 (64/30)76 (49/27)75 (55/20)75 (55/20)
scT—disorganized346 (210/136)248 (167/81)233 (155/78)232 (155/77)
sct—depressive325 (150/175)242 (108/134)235 (114/121)235 (114/121)

Total1902 (1138/764)1442 (906/536)1404 (900/504)1402 (900/502)

In 1997 and 2001, depressive symptoms were assessed by the modified version of the BDI only (see methods for details).
In 2007 depressive symptoms were assessed by both the original BDI-II and modified BDI NHR = sensitive; NHr = explosive; NhR = passionate; Nhr = adventurous; nHR = cautious; nHr = methodical; nhR = reliable; nhr = independent.
SCT = creative; SCt = organized; ScT = fanatical; Sct = autocratic; sCT = moody; sCt = dependent; scT = disorganized; sct = depressive.