Research Article

Depressive Symptoms during an Acute Schizophrenic Episode: Frequency and Clinical Correlates

Table 1

Comparisons between patients with and without clinically significant depressive symptoms.

VariablePatients with significant depressive symptoms ()Patients without significant depressive symptom ()

Age at presentation, years32.9 (8.41)32.63 (8.28)
 Male5 (45%)25 (41%)
 Female6 (55%)36 (59%)
Marital status
 Single4 (36%)29 (48%)
 Married6 (55%)30 (49%)
 Divorced or separated1 (9%)2 (3%)
Years of formal education10.45 (3.86)9.67 (3.44)
Place of residence
 Urban7 (64%)31 (51%)
 Rural4 (36%)30 (49%)
Age at onset, years27.45 (4.5)27.03 (8.18)
Duration of illness, years2 (0.5–22)4 (0.5–30)
Number of hospitalizations1.55 (1.51)1.16 (0.69)
Total duration of hospitalization, days36.6 (33.67)25.61 (19.8)
First-episode schizophrenia9 (82%)44 (72%)
Subtype of schizophrenia
 Paranoid9 (82%)27 (44%)
 Catatonic6 (10%)
 Hebephrenic2 (3%)
 Undifferentiated2 (18%)26 (43%)
Presence of specific psychotic symptoms
 Delusions, any11 (100%)44 (72%)
 Hallucinations, any8 (73%)48 (79%)
 Catatonic symptoms17 (28%)
 Disorganized speech or thought1 (9%)5 (8%)
 Disorganized behaviour2 (18%)23 (38%)
PANSS scores
 Positive subscale23.27 (3.16)19.38 (4.66)
 Negative subscale15.81 (6.71)19.87 (7.84)
 General psychopathology subscale47.18 (9.25)39.9 (7.82)
 Psychopathology index7.45 (6.76)−0.49 (10.0)
 Total86.27 (14.01)79.14 (14.73)
Suicide attempt, lifetime9 (82%)11 (18%)
Violent suicide attempt, lifetime7 (64%)7 (12%)
Number of suicide attempts1.91 (1.64)0.33 (0.87)
GAF score23.55 (6.25)29.28 (6.36)
Body mass index, kg/m223.97 (4.35)22.92 (4.24)
Comorbid diagnoses
 Obsessive-compulsive disorder2 (18%)
 Nicotine dependence3 (27%)11 (18%)
 Alcohol dependence2 (3%)

All values given as mean (standard deviation) or frequency (percentage).
PANSS: Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale for Schizophrenia; GAF: Global Assessment of Functioning Scale.
Significant at .
Significant at .
Calculated for a total of 64 patients who had been hospitalized, 54 without and 10 with significant depression.
Given as median (range).