Original Article

Antidiabetic Activities of Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet Are Mediated by Enhancement of Adipocyte Differentiation and Activation of the GLUT1 Promoter

Figure 2

(a) The effect of A. indicum crude extract on luciferase activity of PPARα. After the cells were transiently transfected with four copies of a Gal4 binding site (MH100×4-TK-LUC) and chimeric receptors pCMX-Gal-mPPARα-LBD, the cells were treated with vehicle (DMSO, control), WY14643 (positive control) or different concentrations of crude extract for 24 h and luciferase activity was measured. The data are presented as relative luciferase activity (firefly luciferase signal/renilla luciferase signal). The results show the mean ± SEM of three independent transfections. *P < .01 versus vehicle-treated cells. (b) The effect of water and butanol fractions on luciferase activity of PPARα. The data are presented as relative luciferase activity (firefly luciferase signal/renilla luciferase signal). The results show the mean ± SEM of three independent transfections. *P < .01 versus vehicle-treated cells.