Research Article

The Basic Cardiovascular Responses to Postural Changes, Exercise, and Cold Pressor Test: Do They Vary in Accordance with the Dual Constitutional Types of Ayurveda?

Table 2

The relationship between Prakriti and the basal readings of PR (per minute), SBP (mm Hg) and DBP (mm Hg).

PrakritiPR (Mean ± SD)SBP (Mean ± SD)DBP (Mean ± SD)

VP (n = 19)79.42 ± 7.883120.42 ± 9.53575.47 ± 6.859
PK (n = 50)79.74 ± 8.444116.52 ± 9.39776.32 ± 7.153
VK (n = 21)78.76 ± 4.538117.43 ± 9.38472.67 ± 7.193
Intergroup comparison Oneway ANOVAP = .885P = .311P = .146