Original Article

Maternal Baicalin Treatment Increases Fetal Lung Surfactant Phospholipids in Rats

Table 3

Maternal treatment effects on saturated phosphatidylcholine and total phospholipids in fetal lung tissue of preterm rats.

TreatmentnSaturated phospholipid ( mol/g protein)Total phospholipid ( mol/g protein)

Control931.02 ± 0.98199.21 ± 9.57
Baicalin (1 day)636.09 ± 1.45216.24 ± 4.67
Baicalin (2 days)1339.35 ± 1.97#636.01 ± 92.20**

Values are mean ± SEM. n is the number of fetuses tested. ** compared with the control and 1-day baicalin groups, # compared with the control group.