Original Article

Treatment of Idiopathic Parkinson's Disease with Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Pilot Clinical Study

Table 4

Communications, complications of therapy (between group comparisons).

Time (weeks)ParameterTCM group ( )Control group ( )P-value

12PDQ-39 Communications−4.17 19.03  6.92 13.27.024a
24−3.79 18.67  5.92 13.87.047a
12UPDRS IV−0.86 1.49  0.00 0.04.029a
24−1.00 1.83  1.44 1.74.085
12UPDRS IVC−0.45 0.74−0.04 0.79.039a
24−0.59 0.80−0.08 0.81.034a

aComparison with baseline were statistically significant at .