Original Article

Feldenkrais Method Balance Classes Improve Balance in Older Adults: A Controlled Trial

Table 2

Comparison between groups at baseline, re-testing and difference between groups (95% CI) for Intervention group (n = 26) and Control group (n = 37).

OutcomeGroupsDifference within groups (change scores)Mean treatment effect
BaselineRe-testingRe-testing minus baselineDifference between groups
InterventionControlInterventionControlInterventionControlIntervention minus control

ABC score median (IQR)68.70 (18.2)81.30a (21.7)81.85 (14.9)83.00 (24.1)5.80 (20.5)b 0.80 (8.88)11.31 ( )a
FSST (s) median (IQR)12.3 (4.6)11.4 (3.7)9.96 (3.3)9.95 (3.8) 1.87 (4.42)b 0.60 (1.25)b1.5 ( )a
Gait speed (m  ) mean (SD)1.01 (0.25)1.10 (0.28)1.14 (0.2)1.13 (0.26)0.13 (0.17)b0.02 (0.12)0.11 (0.18–0.03)a

aA significant difference found between Control and Intervention groups.
bA significant difference found within a group between baseline and re-testing.