Original Article

The Use of Intuition in Homeopathic Clinical Decision Making: An Interpretative Phenomenological Study

Table 4

The selective use of intuition: trusting intuition.


Intuitions about patients and the therapeutic relationship“I think my intuition comes at the level of personal contact. So that I will know when to prod and when to explore.”

Intuition about remedy ideas during the early stages

Noting them …“I might jot it down, in the margin. At that point that was the remedy I thought of. Then they’ll move onto something else … so then I start to ask a few questions around the remedy that I’m thinking of, just to see.”
But being wary of themyou’ve still got to have what the patient will tell you, and if they miss the big point or you miss the big point, you will not help them. Because the intuition (about the remedy) will only work on the information it receives, won’t it?”
“(if) someone just sits down and bursts into tears, you think Ignatia … if I’m thinking of a remedy quite early in the consultation, it makes me aware that I’ve got to put that out of my mind so that I’m not prejudiced.”
Because they need to be verified through case taking“I think intuition plays a massive role in it but you try and stick to being non-judgemental … you can’t bring your views and opinions, you have to verify if you’ve got a feeling, a gut-feeling or a cerebral feeling … you have to be sure about that, so I need to quantify it.”

Intuition about remedy ideas during the latter stages

As a tool to make their final decision helping to give it credibility“I think the danger of me emphasising the intuitive bit is that, I’m being honest with you that I use that, but one must be aware that one's doing that, and not say, right I’ve made my decision in the first ten minutes. You’ve really got to say, okay and shove that to the back of your mind. We’ll go through the routine and we’ll see if we still come out to the conclusion at the end … It would be wrong to say that's not at the back of my mind and I’m checking it and I’m making sure that I have got the right feeling because if distinctly in the first twenty minutes I was thinking, oh no I’m completely in the wrong ballpark, then I can put that to the back of my mind and say, no let's hear the real story … because ideally I think you would go into it as a completely blank slate. I think in all honesty we all have feelings and intuitions, and you can’t help but not.”
But may guide the final decision“In the final decision there will come into it some notion of feelings … this is the art really.”
Overarching concern: homeopaths want their decisions to be viewed as being logical and knowledge based.“You get an understanding or a feeling for that remedy, and that takes you away from the complete logic which I really like. There is this other aspect of what feels right and what doesn’t feel right … I feel slightly uncomfortable talking about that because I feel that homeopathy needs to be seen as something that has a basis in science and in logic and in principles.”