Research Article

Utilization of and Attitudes towards Traditional Chinese Medicine Therapies in a Chinese Cancer Hospital: A Survey of Patients and Physicians

Table 3

Reasons for TCM use: patients' response versus physicians' perceptions and physician beliefs about TCM utility.

Reason Patient reason for use*  
% yes
Physician perception of patient reason for use
% yes
Physician belief about utility
% yes

Chinese herbal medicine (CHM)
 Cure or treat cancer or prolong life 66.457.01.820.17754.2
 Symptom relief or improve QOL51.883.320.0<0.00187.5
 Improve immune function53.386.122.2<0.00183.3
 Health problems other than cancer4.440.343.6<0.00137.5
Tonics and food therapy
 Cure or treat cancer or prolong life
 Symptom relief or improve QOL50.675.012.4<0.00176.4
 Improve immune function72.775.00.140.70872.2
 Health problems other than cancer4.775.0132<0.00120.8
Qi Gong *
 Cure or treat cancer or prolong life
 Symptom relief or improve QOL12.551.452.8
 Improve immune function62.543.138.9
 Health problems other than cancer12.512.59.7
Acupuncture *
 Cure or treat cancer or prolong life 33.320.818.1
 Symptom relief or improve QOL0.066.768.1
 Improve immune function33.329.227.8
 Health problems other than cancer66.726.427.8

* The total number of patients using Qi Gong was only 8 and using acupuncture was only 3, thus comparative statistics were not conducted.