Research Article

Antibacterial Activities of Selected Cameroonian Plants and Their Synergistic Effects with Antibiotics against Bacteria Expressing MDR Phenotypes

Table 4

Minimal inhibitory concentration (μg/mL) of methanol extracts from the studied plants and ciprofloxacin.

Bacteria strainsPlants extractsa and MIC (μg/mL) in the absence and presence of PAβN (in bracket)

E. coli
 W31101024 (1024)512 (512)— (512)— (1024)512 (256)256 (128)— (1024)<0.5 (<0.5)
 AG100A1024512 (128)— (512)— (1024)1024 (1024)256 (64)1024 (1024)16 (8)
 AG100Atet1024 (1024)1024 (512)256 (256)512 (512)1024 (1024)1024 (1024)32 (8)
 AG102512 (128)— (1024)— (1024)— (1024)— (1024)256 (64)512 (256)512 (512)32 (16)
E. aerogenes
 EA298— (512)512 (128)256 (128)1 (<0.5)
 EA271024 (1024)512 (512)256 (256)256 (256)1024 (1024)1 (<0.5)
 EA2891024 (1024)— (1024)512 (512)512 (256)64 (32)
K. pneumoniae
 ATCC112961024 (1024)512 (256)— (1024)— (1024)512 (512)256 (128)— (512)<0.5 (<0.5)
 KP55512 (512)512 (256)512 (512)128 (128)1024 (1024)1024 (1024)— (1024)32 (4)
 K21024512 (256)256 (128)1024 (1024)— (512)32 (8)
P. aeruginosa
 PA011024 (1024)512 (512)512 (512)32 (4)
P. stuartii
 ATCC299161024 (1024)1024 (1024)512 (512)256 (128)1024 (1024)>64 (16)
 PS2996451024 (1024)1024 (1024)1024 (1024)1024 (1024)1024 (1024)256 (256)128 (128)1024 (1024)<0.5 (<0.5)
E. cloacae

(—) MIC greater than 1024 μg/mL; aExtract from CAF: Cola acuminata fruit; PNF: Picralima nitida fruits; ASB1: Allium sativum dry bulbs; ASB2: Allium sativum fresh bulbs; BCF: Buchholsia coriacea fruits; PNS: Picralima nitida seeds; CMF: Citrus médica fruits juice; GKS: Garcinia kola seeds; GLS: Garcinia lucida seeds; CPS: Carica papaya seeds; ACB1: Allium cepa fresh bulbs; ACB2: Allium cepa dry bulbs; CIP: ciprofloxacin.