Research Article

Induction of Mitochondria-Mediated Apoptosis in Ca Ski Human Cervical Cancer Cells Triggered by Mollic Acid Arabinoside Isolated from Leea indica

Figure 4

Effect of MAA on formation of apoptotic bleb in Ca Ski cells. Cells were treated with 60 μM of MAA for different time points. At 48 h of treatment, cells were treated with increasing concentration of MAA. After treatment, the cells were processed for apoptotic blebs staining and analyzed by flow cytometry as described in Section 2. (a) Representative dual parametric dot plots of PI fluorescence ( -axis) versus bleb-FITC fluorescence ( -axis). Bleb-FITC represents the binding of apoptotic blebs by scFv protein which was labeled with FITC-conjugated rabbit lgG. (b) Bar charts show the proportion of total stained cells based on flow cytometry analysis. (c) Bar charts show the percentage of total cell population with apoptotic blebs (PI− bleb+ and PI+ bleb+). Values are mean ± S.E. of three experiments. Asterisks indicate a significant difference between untreated and treated cells (* ).