Research Article

Clinical Pathways Based on Integrative Medicine in Chinese Hospitals Improve Treatment Outcomes for Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction: A Multicentre, Nonrandomized Historically Controlled Trial

Table 3

Chinese medicine prescribing frequency.

VariableIntervention group
( 𝑛 = 1 9 7 )
Historical control group
( 𝑛 = 4 0 5 )
𝜒 2 𝑃

Chinese medicine therapy192 (97)342 (84)21.930.00
Compound Danshen dripping pills124 (63)9 (7)283.910.00
Qi-benefitting intravenous agents153 (78)176 (43)62.580.00
Blood-activating intravenous agents0 (0)256 (63)0.00*

*Using the exact probability method.
Qi-benefitting intravenous agents are TCM injections whose indications are to improve rehabilitation by benefitting Qi, and they include Astragalus injection, Shen Mai injection, and Shenfu injection.
Blood-activating intravenous agents are TCM injections whose indications are to promote rehabilitation by promoting blood circulation and eliminating blood stasis, and they include Salvia injection, Safflower injection, and Tetramethylpyrazine injection et al.