Research Article

Antimicrobial Effects of a Lipophilic Fraction and Kaurenoic Acid Isolated from the Root Bark Extracts of Annona senegalensis

Table 4

Inhibition zone diameter (IZD) of the extract and fractions.


B. subtilis
S. aureus +
P. aeruginosa +++ +
S. paratyphi +++++
E. coli++++++ NA NA
A. niger++++++ NA NA
C. albicans++++++ NA NA

Values in mm, are mean ± SEM (ANOVA, Dunnet its post hoc); ; +: no growth or no activity; concentration of AS2 = 50 mg/mL; CIP & GEN: 40 μg/mL while others are 100 mg/mL. CIP: ciprofloxacin, GEN: gentamicin, NA = not applicable.