Research Article

Efficacy of an Extract of Ocimum tenuiflorum (OciBest) in the Management of General Stress: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study

Table 3

Effect of OciBest on symptom scores of stress.

Symptoms Groups Assessment periodEffectXEffect sizeY
Week 0Week 2Week 4Week 6

HeadachePlacebo a a ab
OciBest a ab ab 0.17
Palpitation at restPlacebo a a a
OciBest a ab ab 0.31
Abnormal perception of hearingPlacebo
OciBest a a a 0.13
Blurring of visionPlacebo a a
OciBest a a a 0.25
ForgetfulnessPlacebo a a
OciBest a a abc 0.70
Sexual problems of recent originPlacebo
OciBest a abc 0.62
Frequent GI symptomsPlacebo a ab ab
OciBest a ab ab 0.18
Abnormal movementsPlacebo a
OciBest a a a 0.05
Abnormal sensory perceptionsPlacebo
OciBest a a a 0.12
Quarrelsome behaviorPlacebo a abc
OciBest a a abc 0.15
Frequent feeling of exhaustionPlacebo a ab ab
OciBest a a abc 0.39
Frequent sleep problemsPlacebo a ab ab
OciBest a ab abc 0.37
Avoidance of even familiar peoplePlacebo
OciBest a a a 0.21
Missing appointmentsPlacebo
OciBest a a a 0.09
TotalPlacebo a ab abc
OciBest a ab abc 3.74

Values are expressed as mean ± SEM; Placebo ; OciBest .
a versus week 0; b versus week 2; c versus week 4.
— placebo versus OciBest.
XDifference in mean scores between week 0 and week 6; YD ifference in mean scores between placebo and OciBest.