Research Article

Plant Ethnoveterinary Practices in Two Pyrenean Territories of Catalonia (Iberian Peninsula) and in Two Areas of the Balearic Islands and Comparison with Ethnobotanical Uses in Human Medicine

Table 2

General data on the territories studied, data concerning ethnoveterinary and related aspects, and ethnobotanical indexes.


General Data
 Extension (km2)135829481.22381971.2
 Number of total informants179601442295
 Number of informants with veterinary reports4641413104
 Number of taxa in the flora of the territory1650(1)1600(2)574(3)780(4)
 Total of livestock (includes cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, horses, and poultry)2345153(5)28088(6)3229911(7)5525414
Ethnoveterinary and other ethnobotanical data
 Number of taxa with veterinary uses49491117100
 Number of species with veterinary uses4847111796
 Number of veterinary use reports1061461628306
 Number of coincidental human and animal medicine use reports33104416157
 Number of local Catalan names of plants with veterinary uses55701118154
 Number of botanical families containing plants with veterinary uses3127101341
 Number of veterinary reports/number of informants with veterinary reports2.303.564.002.152.94
 Number of animal feed taxa73211416
 Number of human medicinal taxa33422092117
 Percentage of veterinary uses coincidental with human medicinal ones30.152.238.55042.9
Ethnobotanical indexes
 Ethnoveterinaricity index (EvI)
 Informant consensus factor (FIC)0.540.680.330.400.67
 Average index of cultural importance (CI) calculated per area0.
 Average index of cultural importance (CI) calculated for all studied areas0.

(1)[77]; (2)J. Vigo (pers. comm.); (3)[79]; (4)[80]; (5)[81]; (6)[81]; (7)Data for the whole Balearic archipelago [73].