Research Article

Zerumbone, a Southeast Asian Ginger Sesquiterpene, Induced Apoptosis of Pancreatic Carcinoma Cells through p53 Signaling Pathway

Figure 6

Zerumbone induced apoptosis in SW1990 and AsPC-1 cells. (a) Zerumbone 30 μM significantly decreased the cellular viability of SW1990 after 24 h incubation. (b) The cell viability of AsPC-1 cells was also strongly inhibited in the present of Zerumbone 30 μM. (c) Hoechst 33342 staining of SW1990 and AsPC-1 cells in the absence and presence of zerumbone 30 μM. (d) Zerumbone 30 μM increased the caspase-3 activity in SW1990 cells. (e) Zerumbone 30 μM also enhanced the caspase-3 activity in AsPC-1 cells. independent experiments, * versus Control.