Research Article

Development and Validation of the Quality-of-Life Assessment System for Lung Cancer Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine

Table 1

Reduction of the QLASTCM-Lu.

ItemsEnglishChineseRemain or not

T1I feel lack of strength constantly
T2It gets difficult as I walk short distance on foot,
T3It gets difficult as I walk long distance on foot,
T4I lie down or sit down due to lack of energy in the daytime
T5Hard work will add to my discomfort
T6I feel dizzy
T7I feel sore and weak in my waist and knees
T8I lose my appetite
T9I feel sick
T10I vomit
T11I have constipation便
T12I feel that I am losing weight
T13I am more likely to have other diseases
T14My limbs are agile×
T15I can not sleep
T16I feel that I do not get enough sleep
T17I am forgetful
T18My mind is active
T19I am in a good mood
T20I am irritated
T21I am overconcerned about my disease and could not get over with it
T22I feel sad
T23I often sigh
T24I am worried about my sickness
T25I do not feel comfortable with chemotherapy×
T26I am satisfied with TCM therapies×
T27I live in a safe and harmonious place×
T28I am happy with the surrounding natural environment
T29I can adapt to climate change of residence×
T30I am comfortable with the place I stay×
T31I am fond of the place I stay×
T32I am happy with the climate of residence
T33I am confident in the therapy
T34I am satisfied with my performance
T35I am satisfied with my ability to support my family
T36I feel good about my health
T37I feel happy
T38I am emotionally supported by my family/friends/coworkers () 怀
T39I have friends who I can confide with
T40I am content with my interpersonal relationships
T41My health status or therapy hinders my social activity,
T42My health status or therapy results to my financial problem, ×
F1I feel dyspnea
F2I feel short of breath
F3I am experiencingchest distress
F4I feel chest pain
F5I cough
F6I tend to sweat after usual activities
F7I am afraid of wind
F8I am thirsty
F9I sweat during sleep,
F10I feel hot in my cheeks in afternoons or evenings×
F11I feel phlegm in the throat
F12My voice sounds hoarse
F13I cough blood

*Deleted items after distillation ×.
**Remain items after distillation .