Research Article

3,4-Dicaffeoylquinic Acid, a Major Constituent of Brazilian Propolis, Increases TRAIL Expression and Extends the Lifetimes of Mice Infected with the Influenza A Virus

Table 1

Survival of mice infected with IAV after the oral administration of various substances.

TreatmentnDoseDuration (dpi)Survival time (dpi, mean ± SE)Statistical significance

5% Arabic gum90–57.4 ± 0.7
oseltamivir80.5 mg twice/kg/day0–5>12.0 # **
PWE9100 mg twice/kg/day0–510.0 ± 0.9 *
PEE9100 mg twice/kg/day0–510.1 ± 0.9 *
3,4-diCQA750 mg twice/kg/day0–510.3 ± 1.5 *
Chlorogenic acid950 mg twice/kg/day0–58.1 ± 0.8N.S.

#standard error not determined; * < 0.05; ** < 0.01; N.S. not significant.