Research Article

Faith as a Resource in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis Is Associated with a Positive Interpretation of Illness and Experience of Gratitude/Awe

Table 1

Characteristics of 213 patients with MS.


Gender, %
 Women 78
 Men 22
Age, years (mean, SD)
Family status, %
 Living with partner17
Educational level, %
 Secondary (Hauptschule) 22
 Junior high school (Realschule) 33
 High school (Gymnasium)36
Religious orientation, %
 Other 8
Spiritual/religious self-perception, %
 Neither religious nor spiritual (R−S−)54
 Not religious but spiritual (R−S+)16
 Religious but not spiritual (R+S−) 19
 Both religious and spiritual (R+S+)20
Employment status, %
 At pension32
 Unable to work7
 House work8
 Employed (business)46
Course of MS, %
 Relapsing remitting51
 Progressive relapsing25
 Chronic progressive23
EDSS score (mean, SD; range) (0–7.5)
 0.0–1.5 (%)10
 2.0–3.5 (%)29
 4.0–6.5 (%)33
 7.0–10 (%)2
 No information (%)26
Self-perceived health affection (mean ± SD, range) (0–90)

Data refer to the responding patients (i.e., 8 individuals did not state their gender, or 20 individuals did not provide information on their course of MS).