Review Article

From Acupuncture to Interaction between -Opioid Receptors and Na+ Channels: A Potential Pathway to Inhibit Epileptic Hyperexcitability

Table 2

Voltage-gated sodium channels.


SubtypesNav1.1–Nav1.9 1– 4

LocationPrevalent in the CNS: Two subunits associated with an α subunit
 Nav1.1, Nav1.2, Nav1.3, and Nav1.6
Abundant in muscle:
 Nav1.4, Nav1.5
Primarily in peripheral nervous system:
 Nav1.7, Nav1.8,  and Nav1.9

Cellular distributionPrimary localized in cell body:Expressed in a complementary fashion (either 1 or 3, and 2 or 4) with subunit
 Nav1.1 and Nav1.3
High expression in unmyelinated or pre myelinated axons and
Nodes of Ranvier and axon initial segments as well as in the
 somata and dendrites of many projection neurons:

FunctionForms the ion-conducting pore and activation and inactivation gates Modify the kinetics and voltage dependence of gating
Serve as cell adhesion molecules for integrating the channels into the appropriate subcellular domains