Research Article

Catechins and Sialic Acid Attenuate Helicobacter pylori-Triggered Epithelial Caspase-1 Activity and Eradicate Helicobacter pylori Infection

Figure 4

Effects of catechins (CAs) and/or sialic acid (SA) on gastritis scores and bacterial counts in the H. pylori-infected mouse model. Each group of mice was treated with different dosage of CA and/or SA (UC, uninfected control, ; IC, infected control, ; TT, triple therapy, ; CA7, CA solution for 7 days, ; SA7, SA solution for 7 days, ; and CASA7, 10, and 14, CASA solution for 7, 10, and 14 days, resp., ). Each column with a vertical line represents mean ± SD. , compared to UC; , compared to IC; , compared to TT.